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SSO ID Rajasthan: Services, Eligibility, and Documents Required To Register

Do you know about the best SSO portal established by the Rajasthan government? Would you like to make use of it? Then, you have to read the content provided to you. The Rajasthan government has launched this functional SSO portal, a sign-on method for users. It is a single digital identification for all apps to deliver accessible and user-friendly online services for people living in Rajasthan. People can quickly access more departments in Rajasthan by logging in with their SSO ID. Here is some information regarding the assistance, eligibility, and needed documents to register for this SSO portal. 

What is an SSO ID login in Rajasthan?                 

SSO is the short form of single sign-on, and you need an SSO ID to access this portal. It is a helpful portal for users. They can also access more than a hundred government departments in Rajasthan. Users can also use the same username and password for different online services. This is the best portal that helps individuals provided by the Rajasthan government for users to apply for their Jan aadhaar card, apply to educational institutions or apply for government jobs. 

Working of the single sign-on for users:

SSO works based on the trust relationship between an application, such as a service provider, and an identity provider, like one login. This excellent relationship is mainly based on the certificate exchanged between the identity and service providers. This credential will allow you to inscribe the essence data transmitted from the originality provider to the assistance provider. After that, the service provider will comprehend that it has arrived from a reliable source. In the SSO portal, this identity data takes the form of tokens containing identifying information about the user, like a user’s email address or username. 

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Eligibility and documents required to register in the SSO portal:

The individual must meet the following eligibility criteria to register in this SSO portal. They must be residents of Rajasthan, and government servants with SIPF numbers can register to use this portal. The person must produce some of the documents to apply for using this SSO portal, such as an Aadhaar card, Jan Aadhaar car, Bhamash card, etc. Then, they have to produce other documents like an Udyog Aadhaar number, business register number, mobile number, and email ID. 

SSO ID portal Services for users:

Here are some services you can acquire after registering for this Sso portal. Once you have completed the SSO login process, you can see various SSO services and choose the best service for your needs. Here are the services and they are the application for arms license, attendance MIS, communication with the bank, application for bhamashah card, building plan approval system, business registration, e-Devasthan, e-learning, employment opportunities, GST portal, E-Mitra portal services, SSO Rajasthan ePass and change of usage of land.


Finally, if you are interested in learning about the SSO ID login and all the other useful information regarding it, you can read this guide. It can provide you with more details and make you choose this portal to access more online services. 


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